
5 years

Official Name: C'est Bon King Yoda-Man of SangRoyal
Sire: Wrinkles Gaston of C'est Bon
Dam: Grimlyn

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Winn Feline Foundation - The Ricky Fund for HCM Research

In June 2002, the Winn Feline Foundation announced the creation of The Ricky Fund, set up to accept donations specifically for feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) research.Steve Dale, nationally syndicated pet columnist and radio show host, worked with Winn to create this fund in memory of his Devon Rex cat, Ricky. 
Ricky was a special cat indeed. He had been featured on National Geographic Explorer, CNBCPets: Part of the Family, on a Canadian TV show called The Pet Project, and on virtually every local TV station in Chicago. Steve says, "... Ricky had more face time on TV than some politicians - he also appeared with me many times on my own radioprograms.  It's because Ricky was a virtuoso piano player, and he could jump through a hoola hoop ... I taught Ricky these and other tricks to prove you can train a cat."
During a routine physical examination at one year of age, Ricky's veterinarian heard a heart murmur, and Ricky was eventually diagnosed with HCM. Steve says, "The good news is that Ricky never realized he was sick. I dutifully returned to the cardiac veterinarian for ultrasound checks, and while the disease was progressing, it seemed a slow progression." Sadly, Ricky died at the age of four years. In one of his columns, Steve wrote, "Ricky was a very small cat, but the hole he left in our hearts’ is enormous. Our house seems empty without him. And at least for now, our lives seem empty too." Please help Steve fight HCM through your donation to the Ricky Fund.

Heart Health Interest Group - IG HGK


The Interest Group Heart Healthy Cats (IG HGK), founded on 14.04.2012 in Mannheim, is an organization of and for cat breeders and breed cat lovers, the goal of which is the education of cat owners of all races, especially also of the European domestic cats, about HCM and other heart diseases.  Currently breeders of the following cat breeds, as well as cat lovers and family members have joined the IG Heart Healthy Cats.: British Shorthair/British Longhair | Maine Coon |  Norwegian Forest Cat  |  Ocicat | Peterbald | Scottish Fold   We wish for more active comrades-in-arms from all breeds in order to communicate our targets of the (heart) health of cats to a wide audience.  http://www.ig-hgk.de/html/english.html

Bengal Breeders (UK) United (BBUKU)

bbkuBengal Breeders (UK) United (BBUKU) are a small group of Bengal breeders having carried out over 100 HCM screenings between us. We are spread throughout the UK with a single common goal; to preserve the future of the Bengal breed.  To achieve this goal we aim to encourage fellow breeders to breed as responsibly as possible by testing their breeding cats for health issues known to affect our beautiful breed. We also hope to raise awareness of these health issues and encourage potential pet owners to buy from Bengal breeders who are working in a responsible manner by screening their breeding cats for HCM.   http://www.bengalbreedersukunited.co.uk/